Eugene Sell

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Eugen Sell (born April 5, 1842 in Bonn , † October 13, 1896 in Berlin ) was a German food chemist.


Eugen Sell was born the son of the Bonn law professor Karl Sell . After attending grammar school in Bonn, he studied natural sciences and mathematics at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . In 1859 he became a member of the Corps Rhenania Bonn . In the years 1860 and 1861 he was an assistant at Julius Plücker's physics institute . His other academic teachers in Bonn included August Beer and Hans Heinrich Landolt . In 1861 he continued his studies in London at the Royal College of Chemistry with August Wilhelm von Hofmann and at the Royal School of Mines . After he returned to Bonn in autumn 1882 and passed the exam with honors, he was promoted to Dr. phil. PhD. Then he passed the state examination for the higher teaching post. In the summer of 1864 he trained at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg with Robert Wilhelm Bunsen and Hermann Kopp . In the autumn of 1864 he went to Paris for further studies .

From 1865 Sell was an assistant at the Chemical Institute of the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . In 1868 he was one of the founding members of the "German Chemical Society in Berlin", in 1869 he became a private lecturer in chemistry, and in 1875 he was appointed associate professor of chemistry. In addition, he taught analytical chemistry at the trade academy and from 1879 at the Technical University of Berlin.

In 1876 Sell was appointed a member of the Imperial Health Department , where he headed the chemical laboratory from 1877. Sell ​​was one of the editors of the quarterly publication of 1886 on the advances in the chemistry of foodstuffs and luxury items, utensils and the related trades . In the Prussian Institute for Infectious Diseases founded in 1891, he was responsible for the chemical laboratory.



  • Contributions to the knowledge of the tolyl series , 1863
  • De toluidino substantiisque ab eo derivatis , 1863
  • Basics of modern chemistry according to the 3rd edition of A. Naquet's "Principes de Chimie" , edited in German and edited by Dr. Eugen Sell, Volume 1, Inorganic Chemistry , Volume 2, Organic Chemistry , 1870
  • About artificial butter: its production, sanitary assessment and the means of distinguishing it from milk butter , 1886
  • About brandy, its presentation and quality with regard to its content of impurities, as well as about methods for their detection, determination and removal , 1888
  • About the purification of raw alcohol and brandy according to the method of Dr. J. Traube and Dr. G. Bodländer , 1890
  • About cognac, rum and arak: the material for their presentation, their preparation and subsequent treatment, taking into account the customary trade, as well as their substitutes and imitations, as well as the results of their chemical investigation , 1891
  • The determination of the molecular weight in theoretical and practical relation , 1892 (together with Karl Windisch)


  • 621. † Sell, Eugen . In: Matrikel der Bonner Rhenanen 1820 1970 , 1970, p. 118, Volume 4 of the blue books of the Bonner Rhenania
  • Karl Windisch : Eugen Sell . Obituary in: Reports of the German Chemical Society , Volume 29, 1897, Issue 4, pp. 1199 ff.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kösener corps lists 1910, 26 , 370
  2. a b Chronicle of Berlin in 1842, April 5th. at
  3. Chronicle Berlin in 1896, October 13. at
  4. Dieter Großklaus: Germany without the Federal Health Office - A critical analysis , 2012, p. 3 ( digitized version )