Carpal Laxation Syndrome

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The carpal Laxationssyndrom is an orthopedic disease in dogs , puppies , the Incomplete or by an over- (hyperextension) stretching (Hypo Extension) in the pastern is characterized (carpal joint). It occurs between six and sixteen weeks of age. Large domestic dog breeds are particularly affected .

The cause is not clear, both incorrect posture and hereditary causes are discussed. Switching to a feed for adult dogs and physiotherapy significantly improved the condition of two-thirds of the affected animals. If the hypoextension is severe, it may be necessary to use a cast bandage, and if it has been in place for a long time, the flexor tendons may have to be cut. The earlier treatment is started, the better the chances of recovery. In the advanced stage, the pastern joint may need to be stiffened .


Christine Pepper and Martin Kramer: Selected orthopedic diseases during the growth phase in dogs and cats. In: Kleintierpraxis 58 (2013), pp. 306-320.