Kasab (unit)

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The Kasab , also Kassabe or Qasab , was an Egyptian measure of length and corresponded to the rod .

For the determination of taxes 1 Kasab was calculated with 6 1/3 Pik Beledi. Here the length was only 3.6575 meters.

The square kasab measure of area 20 by 20 kasab or 77 meters squared equals 1 feddan of 5929 square meters . The side corresponded to 24 qyrats. The Cairo measure of qyrat, the step used by the stone carvers, with a length of 0.77 meters was 1/5 of the kasab. The difference in size between the qyrat on the side (77 meters / 24 qyrat) and the quarry of the stone carvers (qyrat = 0.77 meters) can no longer be explained.

See also


  • Christian Noback, Friedrich Eduard Noback: Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight relationships. Volume 1, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 381.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Association of practical merchants: The latest illustrated trade and goods lexicon or encyclopedia of the entire trade sciences for merchants and manufacturers. Volume 2, Verlag Ernst Schäfer, Leipzig 1857, p. 22
  2. ^ Gustav Karsten , Friedrich Harms, Georg Daniel Eduard Weyer : General Encyclopedia of Physics. Volume 1: Introduction to Physics. Leopold Voss, Leipzig 1869, p. 431.
  3. ^ Johann Samuel Traugott Gehler, Heinrich Wilhelm Brandes: Physical dictionary. Ma, Volume 6, 2nd section, EB Schwickert, Leipzig 1836, p. 1236.