Kaspar Roos

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Kaspar Roos (born April 30, 1921 in Cologne ; † August 25, 1986 ) was a German doctor and medical professional politician .

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Kaspar Roos studied medicine at the universities of Cologne, Würzburg, Erlangen and Tübingen, and in 1945, after passing the medical state examination, was awarded a Dr. med. received his doctorate and settled in his hometown of Cologne in 1949. He was one of the first hospital doctors to join forces in the Marburger Bund , and was a co-founder of the resurrected Hartmannbund and the "Association of Resident Non-Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (NKV)", the forerunner of the NAV-Virchow-Bund . Roos was its federal chairman from 1953 to 1982.

From 1957 to 1961 he was Vice President of the North Rhine Medical Association .


Since 1992, the NAV-Virchow-Bund has awarded the Kaspar Roos Medal annually "to a doctor who has made a special contribution to the reputation of the medical profession through an exemplary medical attitude or through successful professional work."

Roos died in 1986 at the age of 65 and was buried in Cologne's Melaten cemetery (corridor 84).


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