Cathedral of the Redemption of the People

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The cathedral around November 25, 2018, the day of the consecration
Cathedral of the Redemption of the Romanian People , construction status August 1, 2018
Postage stamp for the 130th anniversary of autocephaly of the Romanian Orthodox Church (2015) with the image of the Cathedral of the People's Redemption

The Cathedral of the Redemption of the Romanian People ( Romanian Catedrala Mântuirii Neamului Românesc ) is a church building under construction of the Romanian Orthodox Church in Bucharest . It is intended to replace the St. Constantine and Helena Cathedral as a patriarchal church that can seat 500 people and is therefore considered too small, and to become a “symbol of the Romanian soul”.


Comparison of the floor plans of the Cathedral of the People's Redemption with the Cathedral of Saint Sava in Belgrade
Elevation of the Cathedral of the People's Redemption and St. Sava Cathedral

The idea of ​​building a Cathedral of the Redemption of the People came from the late Patriarch Teoctist I and is being pursued by his successor Daniel . With a length of 120 m, a width of 70 m and a height of 120 m, the cathedral can accommodate 5000 people, making it one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world. The building complex also includes, among other things, two multi-purpose halls for 1000 people each, two pilgrim hostels and a soup kitchen . The project is financed by the patriarchate, but with co-financing from major donors and the Romanian state.

The cathedral stands on the grounds of the Izvor Park in the immediate vicinity of the Parliament Palace . Construction began on September 3, 2010 with the blessing of the property by Patriarch Daniel. Completion is planned for the end of 2018. [outdated]

The major project is controversial in parts of the Romanian public.

On November 25, 2018, the cathedral was officially consecrated by Patriarch Daniel. The construction costs from 2010 to 2018 have so far been around 110 million euros, of which the state is financing around 75 percent.


The cathedral receives a monumental ring of six bells , including the largest free-swinging bell in the world weighing over 25 tons. It was cast by the Grassmayr bell foundry on November 11, 2016 ; the other bells followed on April 21, 2017. The six-part ringing weighs 32,234 kg.

Data overview:

No. Surname Ø (cm) Mass (kg) Nominal inscription
1 335.5 25,190 c 0
2 169.5 3,296 c 1
3 136.1 1,685 e 1
4th 112.7 933 g 1
5 103.3 709 a 1
6th 87.5 430 c 2

Web links

Commons : Cathedral of the People's Redemption  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Fericiţi cei ce construiesc biserici, nu cei ce le demolează. Romanian Patriarchate press release, 2011, archived from the original on March 29, 2013 ; Retrieved November 25, 2018 (Romanian).
  2. Alexander Brüggemann: Why a cathedral could become a touchstone of world orthodoxy. In: . November 25, 2018. Retrieved November 25, 2018 .
  3. Official presentation of the project (Romanian)
  4. Information brochure ( Memento of the original dated March 30, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Romanian; PDF; 1.9 MB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. a b Press article with further information, English
  6. Report of the Patriarchate, English ( Memento of the original from April 6, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. ^ First religious ceremony at People's Salvation Cathedral in Bucharest., September 5, 2016 (accessed December 17, 2016).
  8. ^ Church bell larger than the Pummerin ORF Tirol, April 8, 2017.
  9. Grassmayr bell 25,190 kg; biggest ringing churchbell of the world on YouTube .

Coordinates: 44 ° 25 ′ 33.9 ″  N , 26 ° 4 ′ 56 ″  E