Kathleen (moon crater)

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Kathleen AS15-M-1679 LTVT.JPG
Kathleen, Ian and Rima Vladimir ( Apollo 15 recording  )
Kathleen (moon equatorial region)
position 25.32 °  N , 0.82 °  W Coordinates: 25 ° 19 '12 "  N , 0 ° 49' 12"  W.
diameter 5 km
Card sheet 41 (PDF)
Named after Scottish female first name
Named since 1976
Unless otherwise stated, the information comes from the entry in the IAU / USGS database


Kathleen is a very small impact crater on the front of the moon at the southern edge of the Palus Putredinis , at the western end of the small lunar groove Rima Vladimir .

The name goes back to an originally unofficial name on sheet 41A3 / S1 of the Topophotomap map series of NASA , which was taken over by the IAU in 1976.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Topophotomap 41A3 / S1
  2. ^ Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 16th General Assembly of the IAU (Grenoble 1976). In: Transactions of the IAU vol. XVIB, edited by D. Riedel, 1977