Katja Oskamp

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Katja Oskamp (2010)

Katja Oskamp (* 1970 in Leipzig , GDR ) is a German writer and dramaturge .

Oskamp grew up in Berlin . She studied theater studies and worked as a dramaturge at the Rostock Volkstheater . She then studied literature at the Leipzig Literature Institute . She now lives in Berlin again and has been working as a podiatrist in the Marzahn district since 2015 . Her life partner is the Swiss writer Thomas Hürlimann .

In 2000 Katja Oskamp won second prize at the MDR literature competition for her short story Rolf and Mucki and so on . For her literary work she was awarded the Rauris Literature Prize in 2004 and the Anna Seghers Prize in 2008 .

Her debut collection of stories, Halbschwimmer, describes a youth in the GDR. The book was published in 2003 and received positive reviews. The Neue Zürcher Zeitung wrote at the time that the nine stories "came together to form a development story behind which a miniature of the German-German 1980s and 1990s appears." In 2007, the fast-paced marriage novel The Dust Catcher followed .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Author information Zeit Online (accessed on 23 August 2019).
  2. https://www.nzz.ch/feuilleton/thomas-huerlimann-ueber-seine-krebsohlung-eine-spital-odyssee-ld.1476904