Federal Department Store

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The Kaufhaus des Bundes (KdB) is the electronic ordering platform of the authorities and institutions of the federal administration in Germany and was founded on December 10, 2003 with the cabinet decision of the federal government to optimize public procurement . Access is either via the federal administration's intranet or SSL- secured via the Internet and is possible for both consumers (federal authorities) and suppliers (commercial enterprises ). The federal department store is currently part of the BMI's e-procurement project, the aim of which is electronic procurement with a seamless process and standardized IT support.

The products and services required regularly and across all authorities are determined by the central procurement offices of the federal government ( BeschA , GZD , BAM , BAAINBw ) and then tendered in accordance with the regulations of the applicable procurement law. The federal e-procurement platform is used for this purpose. The framework agreements concluded in this way are recorded in the federal department store and made available in electronic catalogs. Each affiliated authority has the option of calling up the previously displayed products and services, provided it is authorized to call up the corresponding framework agreement. An internal workflow system for approval processes assigns each user different rights and roles. A purchase contract is concluded between the consumer and the supplier through the call. Delivery and payment take place directly between the consumer and the supplier.

The product range currently comprises around 96,000 items that can be ordered electronically. These are contained in over 500 current framework agreements, from which around 300 authorities and other institutions can access. These include office machines and consumables, furniture, information and telecommunications technology, tools, vehicles and services.

The Federal Ministry of the Interior's procurement office is responsible for the technical support of the federal department store . The central procurement offices are coordinated by the department store of the federal government, which is also located in the procurement office.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. KdB - product range. Retrieved July 23, 2018 .