Sarawa Kelden Yeshe Sengge

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Tibetan name
Wylie transliteration :
zwa ra ba shall ldan ye shes seng ge

Sarawa Kelden Yeshe Sengge ( Tib. Zwa ra ba Skal ldan ye shes seng ge ; † 1207 ) was the founder of the Yasang Kagyu School, one of the so-called "eight smaller schools" of the Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism ( Vajrayana ). It comes from Möngar ( mon 'gar ). In his youth he worked as a shepherd. He was a student of Phagmodrupa ( phag mo gru pa ). He later founded the Sara Monastery ( zwa ra dgon pa ) and took on students. His disciple Chökyi Mönlam ( chos kyi smon lam ) founded the Yasang monastery ( g.ya 'bzang dgon pa ), so that the establishment of the tradition is often attributed to him instead of Sarawa.


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References and footnotes

  1. ^ To the west of Nêdong County in Shannan .
  2. Chinese Suore si 索 热 寺 / 索 熱 寺, Sare si 萨 惹 寺 etc.
Sarawa Kelden Yeshe Sengge (alternative names of the lemma)
Zarawa Kelden Yeshe Sengge, Kalden Yeshé Sengé, Gedeng Yixi Sengge, 格登 益 西 僧格, Skal ldan ye shes seng ge, Kelden Yeshe Sengge, za ra ba Skal ldan ye shes seng ge; Gedan Yixi Sengge 格丹 益 西 僧格; Gedain Yeshe Senge, Sarewa Yixi Senggei 萨 惹 瓦 依 喜 僧 给, Sarewa Yexie Senggei, 萨 惹 瓦 · 也 协 僧 给, Gedan Yexie Sengge 格丹耶 歇 僧格, Gedan Yexie Sengge 格丹耶 协 僧格