Kettling & Kruger

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Kettling & Krüger in Schalksmühle was a graphic arts establishment and “[...] in the 1920s in Germany one of the largest publishing establishments for postcards , brochures” and other prints.


The company emerged from the postcard publishing company founded in 1906 by Max Kettling (June 3, 1883 - September 24, 1960). In the First World War Kettling was wounded, got Carl Kruger know with whom he at the beginning of the Weimar Republic the company in 1919 Kettling & Kruger, graphic arts institution founded.

In the 1920s, the two entrepreneurs were able to have their chauffeurs Walter and Paul drive them through the whole of Germany and neighboring countries in two large limousines in order to produce photographic recordings for example for children's homes, hospitals, church institutions, monasteries and other organizations for reproduction. It was only the global economic crisis that slowed the company's rapid rise - in 1929 the automobiles had to be sold. Instead, Kettling and Krüger then traveled across the country by rail using their network maps in order to receive and process new orders.

During the Second World War , Max Kettling mainly traveled to Silesia , East Prussia , the Warthegau and through northern and western Germany, while Carl Krüger was more likely to look after customers in southern Germany.

After the war and "[...] from 1945, Max Kettling moved his main area of ​​work to the local publishing house" and traveled by car to the vicinity of Schalksmühle with Carl, the son of his partner Klaus Krüger who joined the company in 1950.

After Max Kettling's death, the Kettling & Krüger publishing house was continued until around 1990.


  • Hilde Lichte, Roland Hoffmann: Max C. Kettling from Schalksmühle (1883-1960). A photographer from the Märkisches Sauerland. His early phase 1905 to 1918 , 148 pages with numerous illustrations by works by Kettling, Schalksmühle: Druck und Verlag Pomaska-Brand, 2006, ISBN 978-3-935937-38-2 and ISBN 3-935937-38-5 ; Content text

Web links

  • Hilde Lichte: Love for the Sauerland and for the people , article from September 24, 2010 on the page (Märkischer Zeitungsverlag GmbH & Co. KG), with a portrait subtitled “[...] Max Kettling with camera, Tripod and folding roof beetle "

Individual evidence

  1. Compare the information under the GND number of the German National Library
  2. a b c d e f g Hilde Lichte: Love for the Sauerland and for the people , article from September 24, 2010 on the page (Märkischer Zeitungsverlag GmbH & Co. KG), last accessed on January 1, 2017