Kevin Ashton

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Kevin Ashton

Kevin Ashton (* 1968 in Birmingham , England ) is a British technology pioneer who created and co-founded an international standard for RFID and other sensors at the Auto-ID Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) .


Ashton is considered to be the inventor of the term Internet of Things (also known as Internet of Things for short, IoT), a system that describes the linking of clearly identifiable physical objects (things) with a virtual representation in an Internet-like structure.

In April 2013 it became known that Ashton was responsible for the creation of the Mexican “social media” guru named “Santiago Swallow”, which was previously considered “real”, and that “Santiago Swallow” was just a fake . The virtual Internet personality "Santiago Swallow" had around 90,000 Twitter followers and had a seemingly credible biography on the English language Wikipedia. Kevin Ashton described setting up this fictional character as an attempt to show that the number of Twitter followers does not say anything about how believable the person who is being followed is.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Wired Magazine, July 2004, last accessed May 5, 2013.
  2. ^ Der Spiegel, in the Electronics section , November 8, 2004 , last accessed on May 25, 2013.
  3. Ross McGuiness in "Meet Santiago Swallow ... the biggest social media star you've never heard of," Metro, April 20, 2013, last accessed May 5, 2013.