Kinjo Hiroshi

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Kinjō Hiroshi (* 1919 in the old castle district of Shuri on Okinawa ; † October 10, 2013 ) was a grandmaster, Hanshi , 10th Dan , of karate and Kobudo . In 1926 he began taking karate lessons from his grandfather Kanagushiku Okina . He was then taught by Oshiro Chojo (1888-1935) and Chomō Hanashiro (1869-1945). Chibana Choshin called Hiroshi a "walking lexicon of the history, philosophy and application of karate". Richard Kim expressed himself similarly : "Only a few have Kinjō Hiroshi's encyclopedic knowledge".

Kata developed by him
Shihozuki, Shihogeri.


  • Kinjo Hiroshi: Yomigaeru Dento Karate , 2006 (Japanese)


Kinjo Hiroshi practices Oyadomari no Patsai
