Kirill Leonidowitsch Jemeljanow

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Kirill Jemelyanov 2015

Kirill Leonidowitsch Jemeljanow ( Russian Кирилл Леонидович Емельянов ; born April 15, 1991 in Moscow ) is a Russian actor.


Jemelyanov comes from a family of actors and wanted to be an actor even as a child. He was discovered for television at the age of 9 and starred in the children's comedy show Yeralash . Yemelianov made his screen debut in 2006 in Alexander Atanesjan's Swolochi . In the action, set in 1943, he played a criminal youth who fought against the Nazis in a group of youthful saboteurs. Jemelyanov was convincing and was featured in the television series Kadetstwooccupied, which tells about life at a Suvorov military school. In three seasons he was seen from 2006 to 2007 as cadet Alexei Wadimowitsch Syrnikow. He also took on this role from 2009 to 2010 in the indirect sequel to the series under the name Kremlyovsky kursanty , which plays at a higher military school.

Jemeljanow took acting lessons at Drama School No. 123 and was a student at the Russian Academy of Theater Arts from 2007 to 2009 , where he studied with Iossif Raichelgaus and Albert Filosow , among others . Since 2010 he has been a member of the Moscow Theater "School of Modern Drama" ensemble.

Robin Campillo cast Jemeljanow in 2013 in his relationship drama Eastern Boys - Paris terminus as a Ukrainian migrant Marek or Rouslan, who begins a sexual relationship with the Parisian Daniel. For his performance, he received a César nomination for best young actor in 2014 .

Jemelyanov is married and has three children.

Filmography (selection)

  • 2006: Swolotschi / Сволочи
  • 2006–2007: Kadetstwo / Кадетство (TV series)
  • 2008: Marewo / Марево
  • 2009: Pobedny weter, jasny den / Победный ветер, ясный день (TV series)
  • 2009–2010: Kremljowskije kursanty / Кремлёвские курсанты (TV series)
  • 2010: Gluchar. Vosvrashchenye / Глухарь. Возвращение (TV series, episode)
  • 2012: Strana 03 / Страна 03
  • 2013: Eastern Boys - Paris terminus (Eastern Boys)
  • 2013: Do swidanija, maltschiki / До свидания, мальчики
  • 2014: Tri swesdy / Три звезды (TV series, one episode)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See Jemeljanov's portrait on ( memento of the original from February 6, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /