Kiyohara no Motosuke

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Kiyohara no Motosuke, at Ogura Hyakunin Isshu .

Kiyohara no Motosuke ( Japanese 清 原 元 輔 ; * 908 ; † 990 ) was a noble Japanese Waka poet and scholar of the middle Heian period . He was a grandson of Kiyohara no Fukayabu and the father of Sei Shōnagon , the author of the famous pillow book . At times he served as governor of the provinces of Kawachi and Higo .

As one of the "Five Men of the Pear Chamber" ( Nashitsubo no gonin ) he was on the orders of Murakami-tennō since October 951 in the compilation of Gosen-wakashū and in the creation of a Man'yōshū part- edition in Kun reading .

He is one of the "36 immortals of poetry" ( Sanjūrokkasen ); one of his poems is in the famous Ogura Hyakunin Isshu .

His poetry has been preserved in some of the official anthologies such as the Shūi-wakashū . A personal collection of poems has come down to us as Motosuke-shū ( 元 輔 集 , dt. "Collection of Motosuke").

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