Kjell Inge Røkke

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Kjell Inge Røkke (born October 25, 1958 in Molde , Norway ) is a Norwegian businessman and entrepreneur who was considered the third richest man in Norway in 2006. Among other things, he headed the Aker Kværner Group (now Aker Solutions).

Røkke began his professional career at the age of 18 as a fisherman on boats in his home town of Molde. According to his own statements, he has no vocational training, he only attended “the University of the Gosse”, as he himself once said. In the following years he worked for several years on trawlers off Alaska, which laid the foundation for his first fortune. He returned to Norway in the early 1990s and started buying up and restructuring various companies.

Røkke is known for its luxurious lifestyle. In addition to a “hut” for NOK 150 million in Oppdal , his property portfolio also includes a newly built “manor house” in Konglungen . He is also the owner of the luxury yacht Reverie , one of the largest yachts in the world with its own helicopter, as well as the yacht Celina Bella , a private Boeing 737 , a Lamborghini Diablo , several Land Rovers , Audi S8 and Mercedes-Benz CL 600 .

Røkke and his partner Bjørn Rune Gjelsten were involved in the transfer of the football club Wimbledon FC from London to Milton Keynes in 2002 and changed the name of the club to Milton Keynes Dons , which led to the fact that the fans of Wimbledon FC founded the AFC Wimbledon . Røkke is also a sponsor of Molde FK and built the Aker Stadium .

July 1, 2005, Kjell Inge Røkke was sentenced to 30 days imprisonment for corruption . He began his sentence in the Hof correctional facility in Vestfold in autumn 2007. He was released from custody after 25 days.

On May 1, 2017, he said in an interview with the newspaper Aftenposten : “I want to give back to society most of what I have earned. The REV is part of it. ”How much he will invest in the project of a research ship for the environmental protection organization WWF remains his secret: He didn't want to say more about it. But it should be a very respectable sum. Because Røkke not only finances the construction, but wants to pay up to 60 scientists and the 30-person crew from 2020 when the ship is launched. “The sea has given me great opportunities. I am very grateful for that, ”said Røkke, explaining his commitment.

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