Klaus Fisch

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Klaus Fisch (born June 23, 1893 in Sehlem , † November 15, 1975 in Düren ) was a German painter .

He mainly painted images, portraits, figural compositions and landscapes. Because of his pictures of the Eifel he was called the Eifel painter .

From Trier, the first stage of his artistic career, he went to the Munich Art Academy , from where he went on study trips to Italy and Switzerland as a master student of the Swiss Hans Bertus Wieland. In the 1950s, the city of Düren Fisch left a barrack to the Swiss settlement as a studio. For this he painted some free pictures.

Between the two world wars, he sent numerous exhibitions. Spanish, French and American galleries and museums also devoted extensive exhibitions to him .

He portrayed Jean Sibelius , Sven Hedin and Paul von Hindenburg , among others .

Exhibitions, excerpt

  • Exhibition on the occasion of his 80th birthday in the Leopold-Hoesch-Museum Düren, 1973
  • Eifel painter , anniversary exhibition on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Eifelverein in Bad Bertrich, 1988
  • Pictures of the Eifel in the Haus des Gastes in Heimbach, 2007


  • Klaus Fisch came from the Moselle to the Rureifel from Baltar Schmitz, Düren district yearbook 1974
  • The painter Klaus Fisch, Newly born in the Eifel by Hans-Joachim Kuck, Eifeljahrbuch 2009

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