Klaus Tiedtke

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Klaus Tiedtke (* 1940 in East Prussia ) is a German em. Full professor of tax law , civil law , commercial law and civil procedure law .


Klaus Tiedtke studied law at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster and received his doctorate there in 1965 . He passed the first and second state exams in North Rhine-Westphalia and joined the financial administration in 1970. After several years as a lecturer at the Landesfinanzhochschule Nordkirchen and as a judge at the Finance Court of Münster , he was awarded the license to teach tax law, civil law, commercial law and civil procedure law in 1975 by the law faculty of the University of Münster . From 1978 until his retirement on April 1, 2008, he was a full professor in Würzburg.

Klaus Tiedtke has published more than 500 publications in legal journals on civil law, tax law, commercial and corporate law and procedural law.

Works (selection)

  • Inheritance tax and gift tax comment. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2009.
  • with Reinicke: sales law. 8th edition. Carl Heymanns, Cologne / Berlin / Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-8006-4096-6 .
  • with Reinicke: guarantee law. 3. Edition. Carl Heymanns, Cologne, Munich 2008.
  • with Reinicke: credit protection. 5th edition. Luchterhand, Neuwied 2006.
  • with Schmitt: 40 problems from the BGB, sales law. Luchterhand, Neuwied 2005.
  • Income tax and balance sheet tax law. 2nd Edition. New economic letters, Herne / Berlin 1995.
  • Acquisition in good faith in civil law, in commercial and securities law as well as in foreclosure. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1985.
  • The binding effect of judgments of the highest federal courts within the process. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1976.

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