Clothes monkeys

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Clothes monkeys
Red-legged robe monkey (Pygathrix nemaeus)

Red-legged robe monkey ( Pygathrix nemaeus )

without rank: Old World Monkey (Catarrhini)
Superfamily : Tailed Old World Monkey (Cercopithecoidea)
Family : Vervet monkey relatives (Cercopithecidae)
Subfamily : Common monkeys and colobus monkeys (Colobinae)
Tribe : Schlankaffen (Presbytini)
Genre : Clothes monkeys
Scientific name
E. Geoffroy , 1812

The robed monkeys ( Pygathrix ) are a genus of primates from the group of the Schlankaffen (Presbytini). In the past, all animals were grouped into one species; Today three types are distinguished with the red-legged , gray- legged and black-legged clothes monkey . They owe their name to their "clothing-like" often colorful fur pattern. All three species live in Southeast Asia and their population is threatened.


Common to all three species is the gray body and the white tail. However, the species are differentiated in terms of the color of the arms and legs, which sometimes creates a stocking-like appearance. The male sexual organs are also strikingly colored, the penis is bright red and the scrotum is white or blue. Dressed monkeys reach a head-trunk length of 61 to 76 cm, the tail becomes as long as the body. With an average weight of 11 kg, males are slightly heavier than females (around 8 kg).


Coated monkeys live in Southeast Asia , in the rainforests of Vietnam , Laos and Cambodia , and on the Chinese island of Hainan they are likely to be extinct. The habitat of these animals are forests, both primary and secondary forests .

Way of life

Dressed monkeys are diurnal and live mainly on trees, where they climb and jump skilfully and create regular trails through the branches.

They live in groups of up to 50 animals, which are composed of one or more males, twice as many females and a few young animals. The males lead the group and keep an eye out for predators. In the event of a threat, they scream and hop on the branches to allow females and children to escape. They are extremely peaceful animals. Any food found is generously shared, and all group members look after and play with the young.


Dressed monkeys are pure herbivores. Leaves make up the main component of their diet, and fruits are also consumed. Their multi-chambered stomach, which is similar to that of ruminants, helps them to break down food that is difficult to digest. Even so, they are picky and only eat young leaves and certain fruits. Their eating style is wasteful, with parts of the food falling to the ground and being eaten by ground dwellers.


The pairing is preceded by a long game of grimaces by both sexes. Then the female lies down on a branch and looks at the male over her shoulder, if the male agrees, it comes closer and the mating is carried out. After a gestation period of around 170 to 190 days, one (rarely two) young is born. At first it clings to the mother's stomach, later the other group members also take care of it. Clothes monkeys are sexually mature at around four years of age. Their life expectancy in human care is over 20 years.


The defoliants used in the Vietnam War permanently decimated the populations. Today, the clearing of the forests plays a decisive role, and although they are protected, they are still hunted for their fur. The IUCN lists all three species as critically endangered.

The species

There are three types of robe monkeys:

  • The red-legged robe monkey ( Pygathrix nemaeus ) is characterized by the brown "stockings" on the lower legs. He lives in northern and central Vietnam and in eastern Laos.
  • The gray-nosed monkey ( P. cinerea ) is predominantly gray in color. He lives in the central Vietnamese highlands, possibly also in eastern Laos.
  • The black-legged robe monkey ( P. nigripes ) has completely black legs and is distinguished from the other species by a darker face. This species lives in central and southern Vietnam as well as in eastern Cambodia.

The closest relatives of the robed monkey are the snub-nosed monkeys , which are sometimes classified in the same genus ( Pygathrix ).


Web links

Commons : Pygathrix  - collection of images, videos and audio files