Black-legged clothes monkey

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Black-legged clothes monkey
Superfamily : Tailed Old World Monkey (Cercopithecoidea)
Family : Vervet monkey relatives (Cercopithecidae)
Subfamily : Common monkeys and colobus monkeys (Colobinae)
Tribe : Schlankaffen (Presbytini)
Genre : Coat monkey ( Pygathrix )
Type : Black-legged clothes monkey
Scientific name
Pygathrix nigripes
Milne Edwards , 1871

The black-legged robe monkey ( Pygathrix nigripes ) is a species of primate from the group of the slim monkeys (Presbytini). It used to be considered a subspecies of the red-legged robe monkey .


Black-thighed robe monkeys are rather dark in color. The head and back are gray, as are the arms. The legs, like the hands, are black, the chest is light gray, the long tail and buttocks are white. The face is blue-gray, the eyes are surrounded by light circles, and there is long, light hair on the cheeks. The head body length of these animals is 55 to 63 centimeters, plus a 57 to 73 centimeter long tail. Males are 11 kilograms heavier than females who weigh 8 kilograms.

distribution and habitat

Distribution area of ​​the black-legged robe monkey

Black-legged robed monkeys are the southernmost range of all robed monkeys , they are found in southern Vietnam and eastern Cambodia . Their habitat is forests, both primary and secondary forests .

Way of life

These primates are diurnal tree dwellers that hardly ever come to the ground. They live in groups of up to 25 animals made up of several males, several females and their offspring.

They are herbivores, their diet consists mainly of leaves, but they also eat fruits, seeds and flowers. Like all slender monkeys, they have a multi-chambered stomach for better utilization of food.

The pairing can take place all year round, it is preceded by a long grimace game of both sexes. After a gestation period of 180 to 190 days, the female gives birth to a single young, twins are rare. At first it clings to the mother's stomach, later the other group members also take care of it.


Black-legged robe monkeys are endangered species. The defoliants used in the Vietnam War permanently decimated the populations. Today the main threat comes from the progressive clearing of the forests, in addition there is hunting because of their meat and their use in Chinese medicine . The IUCN lists the species as endangered .


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