Little Cologne

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"Little Cologne" in Friesenstrasse (Cologne)

The Klein Köln is a pub near Cologne's Friesenplatz . Opened in 1926, it was the first Cologne pub to receive a night license. Later it became a meeting place for well-known boxers and their fans from the Cologne demi-world . Linus Geschke called her "the mother of all Cologne bars" in the Spiegel .

The former landlord Dieter Becker († 1989), known as "Beckers Schmal" because of his corpulence and himself a former boxer, was considered a kind of father figure for young pimps . For a time, Becker led the "FC Johnny", a soccer team made up of Cologne pimps, burglars and stolen goods , which played against teams from other cities with a similar composition and held weekly night-time meetings in Klein Köln.

At times, Klein Köln was also the place where the official weighing took place in the neighboring Sartory halls before big boxing matches . Celebrities like René Weller , Heiner Lauterbach , Diether Krebs and Richard Rogler were among the guests.

The pub is now run by Heinz Rockstroh. According to the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger , the audience mainly includes “very young night owls and veterans over 50”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Thorsten Schaar: The championship of the Luden: Puff, goal! , 11Freunde , November 13, 2012. Retrieved March 25, 2014.
  2. ^ Marianne Bongartz, Stephanie Henseler: Small Cologne in Cologne. , DuMont direct, p. 108.
  3. ^ Jürgen Raap: Small Cologne in Cologne , Marco Polo travel guide.
  4. Linus Geschke: Cologne's fallen red-light greats "Dumm'se Tünn" and "Schäfers Nas" , quote from the photo gallery for the article, Der Spiegel, August 10, 2012. Accessed on March 23, 2013.
  5. ^ Andreas Fasel: Kölner Milieu with Dummse Tünn and Frischse Pitter , Die Welt, October 3, 2011. Accessed on March 24, 2014.
  6. ^ The last dance, the last beer - and then to me , Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, March 14, 2002. Retrieved March 25, 2014

Coordinates: 50 ° 56 ′ 26.2 "  N , 6 ° 56 ′ 35.2"  E