Cleobule (mother of Demosthenes)

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Cleobule ( ancient Greek Κλεοβούλη ; born around 408 BC ; died after 363 BC ) was the mother of the well-known Athenian orator Demosthenes .


Cleobule, whose name is not attested in contemporary, but only in later sources, was the daughter of the Athenian Gylon and - according to the assertion of Demosthenes' political opponent Aeschines - a wealthy Scythian. A sister of Cleobules married the Athenian Demochares of Leukonoë. Cleobule himself married around 386 BC. The wealthy elder Demosthenes, who owned a sword manufacture and came from the Attic Demos Paiania .

Cleobule gave birth to her husband in 384 BC. A son, the later speaker Demosthenes, and two years later a daughter. But the two children soon became half-orphans, as their father was around 376 BC. BC died. Aphobos, Demophon and Therippides had been appointed guardians of his children by the deceased. Cleobule, who spoiled little Demosthenes very much, accused the guardians of having diminished her husband's relatively high inheritance through mismanagement; besides, they would have enriched themselves from it. The legacy was enough to enable her children to get a good education. Demosthenes studied with an excellent lawyer specializing in inheritance proceedings and, at the age of 20, sued his former guardians. 363 BC BC - while his mother was still alive - he took Aphobos to court and gave his first speeches, but he was only able to regain part of his inheritance.

Cleobule's daughter married Laches. Their son was the later Attic politician and speaker Demochares .



  1. ^ Pseudo-Plutarch , Vitae decem oratorum , p. 844a; Libanios , Life of Demosthenes 2; Zosimos , Life of Demosthenes p. 146; among others
  2. Aischines, Against Ctesiphon 171f .; Demosthenes 28, 3; Plutarch, Demosthenes 4.
  3. Demosthenes 28, 20 f.