Paiania (demos)

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Paiania ( Greek  Παιανία ) was the second largest Attic demos .

The region was in the interior of the peninsula, east of the Hymetto , near Liopesi. The areas of Upper and Lower Paiania (ὑπένερθεν and καθύπερθεν) were assigned as individual issues of the Inner Trittys Paiania within the Phyle Pandionis in the course of the Kleisthenic reforms .

The speaker's father Demosthenes came from Unterpaiania . The poet Menander mentions a Pan sanctuary in Paiania in his comedy Dyskolos .

Under the name Peania , the region is now part of the Ostattika regional district .


Individual evidence

  1. Herodotus Histories 5,66.
  2. Plutarch Demosthenes 4.