Cleombrotus II

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Cleombrotus II (Greek Κλεόμβροτος) was a king of Sparta from the house of the Agiads . His exact relationship is not known. Cleombrotos married Chilonis , the daughter of King Leonidas II, and fathered Agesipolis and Cleomenes with her .

As Lysander in 242 BC When he intrigued against Leonidas II, he pulled his son-in-law Cleombrotus to his side, and when he finally drove the king into asylum, Cleombrotus took over the rule. Chilonis stood by her father and became his advocate. After a year the Spartans were dissatisfied with the government and called Leonidas back. Thereupon Agis IV. , The king of the house of the Eurypontids and Cleombrotus, fled Sparta. Cleombrotos found refuge in the Temple of Poseidon on Cape Tainaros . Chilonis was able to prevent her father from killing Cleombrotus, and so he was sent into exile. Chilonis accompanied him with their two children.

predecessor Office successor
Leonidas II King of Sparta
242–241 BC Chr.
Leonidas II

Individual evidence

  1. Polybios , Historíai , 4, 35.
  2. Plutarch , Agis , 11.
  3. ^ Pausanias , Journeys in Greece , 3, 6, 7-8.
  4. Plutarch, Agis , 7-11 .