Click & Play

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Klik & Play is a computer game development system that was developed by the Clickteam company and does not require any programming knowledge. Instead, the objects are placed using drag and drop and various events and actions are assigned to them. Klik & Play was the first software in this direction and formed the basis for many other so-called Klik software . Because of its simplicity, it was very popular in schools . In the professional field, however, it was never an issue, as only 2D or pseudo-3D games with a level size of one screen could be created. Further restrictions are the non-existent file access (for saving game states, hi-scores, levels, etc.), the extremely slow engine and the limited number of objects. Klik & Play is already out of date and has been supplanted by more modern programs such as The Games Factory (game development) and Multimedia Fusion (game and program development).


  • 1994 - First published by Europress Software Ltd.
  • Later from Maxis in the USA and Ubisoft in France
  • 1996 - Portuguese version, distributed by MSD Multimídia in Brazil
  • A free version for schools ( Klik & Play For Schools ) has been available for download since 2000, but the license is limited to school use.


Klik & Play consists of a number of different editors with which certain areas of the game can be influenced.

Script editor

In the script editor , new levels can be added to the game and level parameters can be set.

Level editor

In the level editor, various objects can be added to the level using drag & drop. There are basically three different types of objects:

Event editor

The actual logic can be defined in the event editor . The various conditions are defined in the left area (e.g. "Ball collides with player") and the corresponding actions in a matrix on the right (e.g. "Play sound: hit.wav!", "Destroy ball!", " Decrease life by 1! ").

Single step editor

The single step editor is a simpler version of the event editor that is very suitable for beginners. The game is "played" and interrupted at every event and simple actions are defined. This editor is rather unsuitable for advanced users, as "playing" can take a long time; the game is interrupted even in the event of unwanted events and only very limited actions are possible.

Active objects

Each active object can be assigned one of six types of movement ( mouse- controlled , eight directions ( bird's eye view ), racing car (bird's eye view), platform (side view), jumping ball ( computer- controlled ), path movement (computer- controlled )) and various parameters such as maximum speed , acceleration , deceleration, etc. . To be defined. In addition, a sequence of individual images and the corresponding animation speed can be assigned to each of 32 possible directions and 16 possible states (e.g. standing, walking, jumping, etc.), whereby the object can be animated in different ways. In the event editor, different states of the active objects such as collision with other objects, speed, position, direction etc. can be queried and compared.

Program scope

Finished games

Media files

The scope of delivery includes numerous ready-made graphic objects, for example background images, symbols, vehicles or characters; in addition, around 250 sounds and sound effects as well as some MIDI music files. Due to its own graphic style and the recognizable good quality, these pre-made graphics are only partially suitable for your own games.


A Klik & Play game consists of the following files:

Web links