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As Klopfan you originally designated the popular greeting and Heischesprüche that in the south of Germany , especially in Swiss francs , since the Middle Ages are recited. This happens in the so-called " Klöpfelnächten ", ie. H. on the nights of the 2nd to 4th Sunday in Advent and on New Year's Eve , when you pull from door to door and knock.

The Klopfan verses consist of four to ten lines in pair rhymes , sometimes as alternations , and are sometimes recited offhand. Their content is funny, personal allusions and sometimes rough jokes.

In the 15th century the Klopfan from was Meistersinger as a literary genre established for. B. by Hans Rosenplüt and Hans Folz .

Web links

Wikisource Wikisource: Knock on  - Article of the 4th edition of Meyers Konversations-Lexikon