Knocking stallion

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A male horse that was rendered incapable of procreation by tapping the testicles and / or spermatic cords used to be called a knocking stallion . Since they did not always completely lose all sexual instincts through this castration method, all other not completely castrated stallions were also called this.

Furthermore, referred to either as Spitz colt a stallion , in which one or both testicles place in the scrotum in the abdominal cavity or in the inguinal canal are. So it is a cryptorchidism . This trait can be inherited and therefore excludes a stallion from the licensing . Since the testicle can usually only be removed surgically by cutting open the abdominal cavity due to its location, it can make castration considerably more difficult and expensive.

See also


  • Johann Georg Krünitz : Economic-Technological Encyclopedia, or general system of the state, city, house and agriculture and the history of art , vol. 40, p. 641.
  • Der Große Brockhaus , 10th volume, edition 1931, p. 239.
  • Uwe Gille: Male sexual organs . In: Franz-Viktor Salomon et al. (Hrsg.): Anatomie für die Tiermedizin . Enke, Stuttgart, 2nd ext. Edition 2008 ISBN 978-3-8304-1075-1 , pp. 389-403.