Sant'Angelo di Prizzi Monastery

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The monastery of Sant'Angelo di Prizzi was from 1159 a monastery first of the Cistercians , later of the Cistercians , in Prizzi , region of Sicily , in Italy .


The local ruler Matteo Bonello († 1561), later murderer of Maio of Bari , founded the Cistercian monastery of Sant'Angelo (also: San Michele ) in 1159 between Palermo and Agrigento in Prizzi . The settlement took place through the monastery Fossanova . How long Sant'Angelo existed as a monastic priory is not known (possibly until 1273). In any case, in 1188 Bishop Bartholomeo (1171–1191) of Agrigento settled the monastery with nuns who had fled from the Maria Magdalene monastery (Tripoli) . As a Cistercian monastery, Sant'Angelo was subordinate to Casamari monastery from 1259 . It is not clear how long it lasted. In 1582, however, the buildings were taken over by the Carmelites , who in 1638 built the church "Maria Santissima del Càrmine", which still exists today. It is also noteworthy that the neighboring town of Palazzo Adriano also emerged from the monastery , insofar as it was formed around the monastery of San Cristofero, which was separated from Sant'Angelo in 1273 and which was still under Fossanova.


  • Placido Caputo: I rapporti tra l'abbazia di Casamari e la "Badia Grande" di S. Spirito in Agrigento. In : schrift Cistercensi 7, 1974, pp. 129-145, p. 130.
  • Giacchino Nania: Toponomastica et topografia storica nelle valli del Belice e dello Jato. Barbero, Palermo 1995, p. 145 Note 3.
  • Lynn Townsend White: Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily. The Mediaeval Academy of America, Cambridge MA 1938, pp. 166-167.

Manual literature

  • Leopold Janauschek : Originum Cisterciensium Tomus Primus. Vindobonae 1877, S. LXXVII.
  • Bernard Peugniez : Le Guide Routier de l'Europe Cistercienne. Editions du Signe, Strasbourg 2012, pp. 740-741 (Angelo in Prizzi, San).
  • Gereon Christoph Maria Becking: Cistercian monasteries in Europe. Card collection. Lukas Verlag Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-931836-44-4 , sheet 105C (Prizzi, S. Angelo in).

Web links

Coordinates: 37 ° 42 ′ 54.8 "  N , 13 ° 25 ′ 54.9"  E