Klytia (mistress of Amyntor)

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Klytia ( Greek  Κλυτία ) is in Greek mythology a concubine or concubine of Amyntor , the father of Phoinix .

The mother of Phoinix persuaded her son to seduce Klytia in order to dissuade his father from Klytia in this way. Amyntor discovered the relationship and cursed his son so that he would remain childless forever. Phoenix then fled to Peleus in Phthia and became Achilles' tutor .




  1. In Johannes Tzetzes, ad Lycophronem 421 it is called Klytia or Phthia .
  2. Homer , Iliad 9, 447–482, where the name Clytia is not mentioned.
  3. According to Euripides in Aristophanes , Die Acharner 421; so also in the library of Apollodor 3,13,8 and with Johannes Tzetzes, ad Lycophronem 421 Phoinix was blinded by his father.