Koča uprising

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The Koča uprising lasted from February to September 1788 and was part of the Russo-Austrian Turkish War (1787–1792) .


The trained cattle dealer Koča Anđelković was the leader of the rebellion, which was mainly promoted by the Austrian Empire to facilitate the conquest of Ottoman territory . This calculation worked out perfectly. However, Koča was captured by the enemy and brutally killed.

Gideon Ernst von Laudon then conquered Belgrade on October 8, 1789, the Austrian Kingdom of Serbia could be re-established, but then only existed for three years. This withdrawal of Austria greatly embittered the Serbian side and they vowed never to let Austria instrumentalize them again. Years later, the First Serbian Uprising under Karađorđe followed . That was the cornerstone for Serbia's state independence in 1878.


  • Dušan Pantelić: Kočina krajina Beograd 1930
  • Dušan Pantelić: Jedna tužba protiv kapetana Koče, Godišnjica Nikole Čupića 1931
  • Dušan Pantelić: Seoba Koče Anđelkovića u Banat 1939

Web links

E. Oberegger: Austria and the Serbs. On the genesis and history of a conflictual relationship. In: Buster Shooter's Finest (2014) ( http://www.oberegger2.org/bs/bs_serben.htm )