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Carbola on cauliflower

Brassicae is the name of a plant disease caused by the pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae . It is a parasitic , single-celled organism from the order of the Cercozoa that can attack the roots of most cruciferous plants . The host range includes crops such as cabbage , rapeseed , mustard and radish , ornamental plants and also a large number of weeds . Since soil contamination by Plasmodiophora brassicae can last for up to 20 years, the club is considered to be the disease that reduces the most yield in intensive cabbage cultivation.


Uncontrolled growth of cells leads to bulbous, knotty, thickened galls in the root area. These galls lead to impairment or destruction of the root and vascular vessels. The supply of nutrients and water is disrupted (leaves wither), which weakens the plant to such an extent that it often dies under the influence of stress factors such as high evaporation at higher temperatures and the associated lack of water.


Since the pathogen can survive in the soil for many years, countermeasures such as crop breaks (at least 7 years), long-term crop rotations , good soil cultivation to avoid waterlogging or the cultivation of varieties of the affected species with increased resistance as well as good root regeneration ability. A neutral pH value through soil limescale should also be aimed for (pH value> 7). Direct control in the soil can be carried out through the targeted use of calcium cyanamide .


  • Peter Mattusch: Cruciferous hernia . In: Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Plant Protection Service . tape 37 , 1985, pp. 44 .
  • Johannes Hallmann , Andrea Quad-Hallmann, Andreas von Tiedemann: Phytomedicine - Basic Knowledge Bachelor . Ulmer, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 3-8252-2863-0 .
  • Vegetable production . In: Agriculture . 12th edition. tape 4 . BLV Buchverlag GmbH and Co KG, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-405-16860-0 , p. 644, 653 and 662 f .
  • John S. Karling: The Plasmodiophorales. Hafner Publ., New York 1968.

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