Cabbage soup diet

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The cabbage soup diet , also known as the cabbage soup diet or magic soup diet, is a diet for weight loss in which cabbage soup is mainly eaten, supplemented by small amounts of various other foods on a daily basis .

It is considered a "crash diet" and is based on the assumption that more energy is withdrawn from the body through the diet with cabbage soup than is supplied again through the physiological calorific value of the food . There are numerous recipes to be found that contain various vegetables, especially onions , cabbage, and cabbage . Meanwhile, there is the cabbage soup as well as a finished product in canning , you may eat as much of the then as you like, and at any time of day.

Criticism of the cabbage soup diet

The weight reduction actually stems from the fact that a low-energy food is consumed on this diet. In addition, a lot of water is excreted and muscle mass is reduced because too little protein is absorbed in this diet . Since only a small amount of fat tissue is broken down and the consumer often does not learn to eat a balanced and low-energy diet over the long term, the success of the diet is often short-lived. Rapid subsequent weight gain, known as the yo-yo effect , is therefore likely.

The one-sided diet on which this diet is based is rejected by nutritionists and medical professionals and viewed as unsuitable for permanent weight loss. A permanent diet of cabbage soup only would lead to malnutrition . Antje Gahl from the German Nutrition Society advises against this diet: “Such a severe weight loss in a short time is a health hazard. The supply of some important nutrients, especially protein, is inadequate. ”Scientifically, it is also questionable which substances in cabbage would stimulate fat burning .

Individual evidence

  1. Christine Kirchhoff: This is how useful the cabbage soup diet is , , last accessed January 17, 2015.

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