Collegial advice

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Collegial advice or intervision is a method of finding solutions to technical questions, mostly in the fields of medicine , psychology , education and social work . It is crucial that equals advise each other. In contrast to supervision , coaching or the Balint group , where a specially trained consultant takes on this task.


There has always been advice between colleagues. Collegial advice as a solution-oriented method developed from supervision to enable experienced supervision participants to support one another in an advisory capacity, even without a supervisor. The aim is to promote one's own advisory skills and make the supervisor superfluous. The method is also used in the training to become a supervisor to practice supervision as a method.

Today, collegial advice is also used by executives to learn from and with one another and to support one another.


Equal members of psychosocial professions meet for mutual advice. One tells his problem and asks a related question. The others examine the problem together and try to find answers and solutions. In this way, several questions can be worked on and solved one after the other.

All helpful methods can be used: from sensitive conversations with questions, to systematic analysis, to therapeutic methods. It is crucial that the counselor to be counseled and the collegial counselors use the methods mutually. The role of advisor and moderator is usually carried out jointly by everyone.

Collegial case advice

The content of the collegial case counseling is "cases" - that is, questions about professional dealings with specific clients and patients in education, psychology and social work, but also in medicine, justice or pastoral care.


  • Arist von Schlippe, Jochen Schweitzer: Textbook of systemic therapy and advice I: The basic knowledge. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2012, ISBN 978-3-525-40185-9 .
  • Kim-Oliver Tietze: Effective processes and personal effects of collegial advice: Theoretical drafts and empirical research. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2010, ISBN 978-3-531-17224-8 .