Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy

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The Kolmogorow-Sinai entropy is an invariant of dimension-preserving maps in the mathematical sub-area of dynamic systems . It generalizes the entropy concept known from probability theory (and originally from thermodynamics ) . The entropy is supposed to measure how much information one receives with each new step of the dynamic system. Its definition goes back to Andrei Kolmogorow , but it was not until the late 1950s that Jakow Sinai succeeded in demonstrating the non-triviality of this invariant. For this, among other things, Sinai received the Abel Prize in 2014 .

The Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy intuitively measures the chaotic nature of dynamic systems. It is trivial, i. that is, its value is zero for non-chaotic mappings such as rotations.

It is also referred to as mass-theoretical entropy or metric entropy or, for short, KS entropy .


Let it be a probability space and a measure-preserving map .

As is well known, in probability theory the entropy of a partition (i.e. a disjoint decomposition ) is defined by


The entropy of with respect to the partition is then defined as


in which


(The existence of the limit value is the statement of the Shannon-MacMillan Theorem .)

Finally, the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy of the measure-preserving mapping is defined as the supremum of over all partitions :

Generating partitions (Sinai theorem)

The Sinai theorem says that one can effectively compute the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy by means of generating partitions.

Definition : A generating partition of a measure-maintaining dynamic system is a finite decomposition , so that is the smallest σ-algebra that contains all ( ).

Theorem (Sinai) : If is the generating partition of a measure-maintaining dynamic system , then is



  • For a rotation of the circle (or more generally the n-dimensional torus ) the entropy is trivial:
  • For the self-mapping of the n-dimensional torus defined by an integer unimodular matrix is
where the eigenvalues of (possibly counted according to their multiplicity ). This was proven by Sinai in 1959 and was the first example of a mapping of nontrivial entropy.


  • P. Billingsley: Ergodic Theory and Information. J. Wiley, 1965.
  • IP Cornfeld, SF Fomin, Ya.G. Sinai: Ergodic Theory. Springer, 1981.
  • AN Kolmogorov: New Metric Invariant of Transitive Dynamical Systems and Endomorphisms of Lebesgue Spaces. In: Doklady of Russian Academy of Sciences. 119, No. 5, 1958 pp. 861-864.
  • AN Kolmogorov: Entropy per unit time as a metric invariant of automorphism. In: Doklady of Russian Academy of Sciences. 124, 1959, pp. 754-755.
  • E. Lindenstrauss, Y. Peres, W. Schlag: Bernoulli convolutions and intermediate values ​​for entropy of K-partitions. In: J. Anal. Math. 87, 2002, pp. 337-367.
  • W. Parry: Entropy and Generators in Ergodic Theory. WA Benjamin, Inc., New York / Amsterdam 1969.
  • Ya.G. Sinai: On the Notion of Entropy of a Dynamical System. In: Doklady of Russian Academy of Sciences. 124, 1959, pp. 768-771.
  • P. Walters: An Introduction to Ergodic Theory. Springer, New York / Berlin, 1969-

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Katok-Hasselblatt: Introduction to the modern theory of dynamical systems. (= Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications. 54). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995, ISBN 0-521-34187-6 , section 4.4
  2. ^ Sinai: On the concept of entropy for a dynamic system. In: Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR. 124, 1959 (Russian).