Colonial Ministry
A colonial ministry is called a ministry for affairs of the colonies of a state, and related issues such as the colonial goods trade , population policy or military deployment . The chief is commonly called the colonial minister .
The ministries emerged in the colonial era in the course of the 18th and 19th centuries, initially often from a naval ministry that also looked after the affairs of overseas holdings. Occasionally there were also ministries specifically for individual colonies.
Today there are no more states with a colonial ministry, and there are a few successors as ministries for former colonies that are now equal parts of the country (e.g. France).
Historical authorities and offices
by state: (predecessor states, territories and the like in today's states):
France : Kgr . : 1547 Secrétariat d'État de la Marine (for war and merchant navies as well as colonial issues); 1710 as Bureau des Colonies ; Republic / Empire : 1790/91 Ministère de la Marine et des Colonies (1814–15 and again briefly mentioned without this in 1830); 1848 briefly Ministère de la Guerre et de la Marine (with all matters of war ); 1858–60 Ministre de l'Algérie et des Colonies (specifically also as Algeria Ministry ); then again de la Marine et des Colonies ; 1881–82 briefly a Ministère du Commerce et Colonie ( trade and colonial affairs), then back to de la Marine et des Colonies ; 1889/90 Ministre des Colonies ; 1890–92 Ministère du Commerce, de l'Industrie et des Colonies (trade, industry and colonies); again briefly Marine et des Colonies , then back to the previous name; 1893/94 finally independent as Ministère des Colonies ; from 1940 also Forces françaises libres ; from 1941 official title Commissaire [ aux colonies ] , 1944 Ministre des colonies ; 1946 Ministère de la France d'Outre-Mer for the Outre-mer ( overseas ministry , elevation of the former colonies to regular parts of the country); later also Ministère des départements et territoires d'outre-mer (DOM-TOM), since 2012 Ministère des Outre-mers
Portugal : Kgr . : 1736 Secretaria de Estado dos Negócios da Marinha e Domínios Ultramarinos (also Secretaria de Estado da Marinha e Conquistas , State Secretariat for Maritime Affairs and Overseas Territories); /: 1851–1868 a Conselho Ultramarino (Overseas Council) at the Navy Ministry, then dissolved again; At the end of the 19th century, increasingly called Ministério da Marinha e Ultramar (MM) ; Rep .: 1910 Ministério da Marinha e Colónias ; 1911 divided into the Ministério das Colónias and a Ministério da Marinha ; 1951 Ministério do Ultramar ( Overseas Ministry , constitutional abolition of the colonies); 1974 Ministério da Coordenação Interterritorial ( Interterritorial Coordination ); 1975 briefly as Secretaria de Estado da Descolonização (State Secretary for Decolonialization) under the Primeiro-ministro (Premier), then Ministério da Cooperação (Ministry of Cooperation); Definitely abolished in 1976
United Kingdom : 1854–1966 Colonial Office
Web links
Existing authorities:
Individual evidence
- ↑ Histoire du Ministère , Les Ministres de l'Outre-Mer sous la Vème République , both (list from 1959); → fr: Ministère de l'Outre-mer , fr: List of the ministres français de l'Outre-mer et des Colonies
↑ Jean-Philippe Zanco, Dictionnaire des Ministres de la Marine 1689-1958 , Kronos N ° 58, SPM Kronos, Paris 2011, ISBN 978-2-901952-83-1 ( web link ,;
→ fr: Ministère de la Défense (France) #Historique , en: Ministre de la Marine , fr: List of ministres français de la Marine et des Colonies - ↑ → Portuguese Colonial History #The administration of the colonies ; pt: Ministério da Marinha e Ultramar ; pt: Ministério da Marinha (Portugal) , with list of ministers