Department of the Navy

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Department of the Navy is a special department with responsibility for naval matters . The chief is commonly called the Minister of the Navy . The two forms - military or civil - are occasionally referred to as the Ministry of the Navy and the Ministry of Commerce .

Today there is no longer a state with an independent naval ministry.

To the department

The ministries of naval affairs were important to all seafaring powers , especially in the 19th century . They were usually set up next to or together with the war ministries - which were primarily responsible for the land forces - or were administrative authorities in the vicinity of the Admiralty . And they were initially consistently alongside the Navy and for the Merchant Marine in charge, as well as other aspects of the maritime economy , in some places as Colonial Office (overseas possessions).

In the course of the 20th century, the military agendas were all subordinated to the comprehensive defense ministries, where they partly continue to exist as departments ( naval department, naval office , etc.), but partly have merged with the general administrative structure (such as personnel matters, procurement, logistics, etc.). A few merchant marine ministries have been set up for civilian agendas , otherwise these usually belong to a ministry of transport or a ministry of economics . There are also special fisheries ministries (with matters relating to fishing fleets) or general marine ministries (for all maritime matters, including ecological or natural resources).

List of historical naval ministries and offices

by country (predecessor states, territories and the like in today's states):

Web links

Existing authorities:

  1. Secretariat of the Navy
  2. United States Department of the Navy

Individual evidence

  1. es: Ministerio de Defensa Nacional de Chile , with Listado de Ministros de Guerra y Marina de Chile (incompleto)
  2. Forsvarsministeriets historie ,; → there: Forsvarsministeriet
  3. ^ there: Marineministre fra Danmark
  4. Historia del Ministerio ,; → es: Ministerio de Defensa Nacional de la República del Ecuador (without list, 1/2014)
  5. Jean-Philippe Zanco, Dictionnaire des Ministres de la Marine 1689-1958 , Kronos N ° 58, SPM Kronos, Paris 2011, ISBN 978-2-901952-83-1 ( web link ,; Ministère de la Marine , in The Canadian Encyclopedia online; → fr: Ministère de la Défense (France) #Historique , fr: List des ministres français de la Marine et des Colonies , en: Ministre de la Marine
  6. fr: Ministère des Outre-mer
  7. Les métiers de la mer, un secteur qui recrute: Métiers de la Marine marchande , Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement durable et de l'Energie ,, May 25, 2011, accessed January 10 2014; → fr: List des ministres français de la Marine marchande , Category: Ministers of Commerce (France)
  8. Historique ,, accessed January 30, 2014
  9. ^ en: Department of Defense (Ireland) ; en: Minister for Defense (Ireland) , with list
  10. State Secretaries for War existed as an independent authority even before the State Secretariat was established (probably 1697); Archivio di Stato di Torino: Segreteria di Stato e di Guerra , accessed on January 18, 2014
  11. Ministero della marina, Roma on (State Archives) , accessed on January 18, 2014
  12. yes: 海軍 省 (with list), ja: 海軍 大臣 (detailed list), en: Ministry of the Navy of Japan (with list of Ministers of the Navy of Japan ), Category: Minister of the Navy (Japanese Empire)
  13. en: Yugoslav government-in-exile
  14. sr: Списак министара одбране Југославије / Spisak ministara odbrane Jugoslavije , en: Ministry of Defense (Yugoslavia)
  15. en: Fisheries and Oceans Canada #History and #Departmental name changes
  16. en: Department of Marine and Fisheries and the Naval Service , List: en: Minister of the Naval Service (Canada)
  17. en: Minister of National Defense for Naval Services (Canada)
  18. ^ es: Ministerio de Defensa de Colombia , with a list of Ministros
  19. no: 6. department
  20. Austria never had a naval minister, the Austrian navy was subordinate to the war ministry. In the Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy , the establishment of a joint naval ministry was reconsidered, but never implemented. Emperor Franz Joseph I appointed Vice-Admiral Wilhelm von Tegetthoff on February 25, 1868 as naval commander and head of the Reich Ministry of War, naval section.
    Today's Republic of Austria as a landlocked country does not have a marine resort. The Ministry of Defense is responsible for the few patrol boats that report to the pioneers . Civil shipping is dealt with at the Ministry of Transport and within the Danube Commission
  21. a b Portuguese Empire #The management of colonies ; pt: Ministério da Marinha e Ultramar ; pt: Ministério da Marinha (Portugal) , with list of ministers
  22. pt: Sistema de Autoridade Marítima
  23. pt: Ministério do Mar
  24. ru: Адмиралтейств-коллегия , en: Admiralty Board (Russian Empire)
  25. ru: Морское министерство Российской империи
  26. ru: Народный комиссариат по военным делам РСФСР
  27. ru: Народный комиссариат по военным и морским делам СССР
  28. ru: Народный комиссариат обороны СССР
  29. en: List of heads of the military of Imperial Russia #Ministry of Sea Forces and #Ministry of the Navy
  30. sv: Sjöförsvarsdepartementet
  31. sv: Sjöförsvarsdepartementet (with list of expedition chiefs ), sv: Sveriges försvarsminister (with list of Sjöförsvarsministrar )
  32. es: Historia de los ministerios de Defensa de España ; Category: Minister of the Navy (Spain)
  33. ^ en: List of the First Lords of the Admiralty
  34. en: Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty , en: List of Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty
  35. en: Lord High Admiral of Scotland