Komarekiona eatoni

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Komarekiona eatoni
Class : Belt worms (Clitellata)
Subclass : Little bristle (Oligochaeta)
Order : Earthworms in the broader sense (Crassiclitellata)
Family : Komarekionidae
Genre : Komarekiona
Type : Komarekiona eatoni
Scientific name of the  family
Gates , 1976
Scientific name of the  genus
Gates , 1974
Scientific name of the  species
Komarekiona eatoni
Gates , 1974

Komarekiona eatoni is the name of a oligochaetes - kind of terrestrial Crassiclitellaten the same time the only species of the genus Komarekiona and family Komarekionidae represents and in North America in the southeastern United States is widespread.


Komarekiona eatoni has a cylindrical, unpigmented body about 11 cm long and 6 mm wide with about 110 to 160 segments and without dorsal pores. The prostomium is tanylolobic, i.e. completely divided by the peristomium, and its edge is formed by grooves that run up to the furrow between the first two segments. Starting at the peristomium, there are four pairs of S-shaped small bristles with simple tips in regular longitudinal rows on each segment of the body .

The 6th segment of the esophagus forms a strong chewing stomach , but no esophageal valve. Likewise, there is a lack of calcium glands, typhlosolis, intestinal lamellae and supraintestinal glands. The midgut gradually widens behind the testicle-bearing segments. In addition to the back vessel and the abdominal vessel , the closed blood vessel system has two paired extraoesophageal vessels to the side of the lateral heart, of which the inner ones open into the abdominal vessel and the outer ones into the back vessel in the 14th segment. A subneural vessel is missing. The rearmost segment with a pair of lateral hearts is the 11th segment. The large, well-developed nephridia flow outwards through a short tube and a urinary vesicle. The clearly visible nephridiopores are in two straight rows on either side of the body, beginning with the peristomium, but not in the 3rd segment.

The clitellum the hermaphrodite is saddle-shaped, ranging from 19 to 25 or 29 segment, the tubercles pubertatis from 21 to 23 or 24. Segment. Genital nodules, markings and bristles are missing. The pair of scrotums are aligned vertically and do not touch. The pair of female genital orifices are in the 14th segment, while the pair of male genital orifices are located within the clitellum, all of which are very small. The ovaries sit in the 13th segment and terminate distally in a single ovary; they form yolkless eggs. The sperm vesicles are trabecular. The receptacula seminis have no blind sacs and open out in front of the testicles.

Distribution, habitat and way of life

Komarekiona eatoni in North America in North Carolina , Tennessee , Kentucky and Indiana common. Like other Crassiclitellata , it is a soil dweller and substrate eater , digesting the organic components of the substrate it swallows.


Komarekiona eatoni was first found west of Durham and described by the biologist TH Eaton. Gordon Enoch Gates chose the genus name Komarekiona after EV Komarek, the director of the Tall Timbers Research Station, and the specific epithet eatoni after the biologist TH Eaton when he first described it in 1974 . At the same time he set up the own monotypical family Komarekionidae due to the very unique characteristics of Komarekiona eatoni .
