Komebail Lagoon

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Komebail Lagoon
Waters Coastal lagoon ( Philippine Sea )
Land mass Ngerchebal , Babeldaob , Koror , Arakabesan
Geographical location 7 ° 23 '16 "  N , 134 ° 27' 53"  E Coordinates: 7 ° 23 '16 "  N , 134 ° 27' 53"  E
Komebail Lagoon (Palau)
Komebail Lagoon
Tributaries Ngerderar

Komebail Lagoon (also: Koror Harbor , Ngartabepeab Lagune , Ngertachebeab ) is a bay of the coastal lagoon of Palau . It forms one of the most important ports (Koror Harbor) in the vicinity of the capital Koror .


The lagoon is part of the larger coastal lagoon to the west of Palau. The shallow coastal water is initially separated from the open sea in the west by the Ngerdiluches Barrier Reef West . From there it stretches for a few kilometers to the east before the first islands of Palau rise out of the sea. The Komebail Lagoon is separated in the larger part of the lagoon by a bracket of islands. To the east, the main island Babeldaob borders the lagoon. The bounding landscape formations are the island of Ngerchebal ( Aimeliik ) in the north and the Rengesukl hill of Babedaob in the extension of the associated reef . In the southeast, the Toachel Mid canal forms a connection to other lagoons between the islands of Babeldaob and Koror . In the south, Koror and Arakabesan with the foothills Ngerur and Ngeremekediu form the end of the lagoon. Also in the southeast is the anchorage and actual port of Koror Harbor ( ), which is again surrounded by the reefs Omuchel and Ngcheludel Kedeu . Other moorings are: Ngerkeai Dock at Ngerkeai Hamlet and Meyung's Derromel Pier at Arakabesan.

In the north, the boundary of the lagoon also forms the Ngchemiangel Bay and further south the lagoon forms the Ngarengeivog Bay near Ngerkeai with the Imul Mangrove Conservation Area , where one of the few notable rivers in the state flows, the Ngerderar .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Koror Harbor at GeoNames
  2. Komebail Lagoon at GeoNames
  3. Ngarengeivog Bay .
  4. Imul Mangrove Conservation Area .


  • Republic of Palau Adventure and Dive Guide. Guide to the undisputed Best Diving in the World. Franko Maps Ltd. 2016.