Communist Youth Association of China

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Flag of the KJVC
Coat of arms of the KJVC

The Communist Youth Association of China (KJVC) ( Chinese  中國 共產 主義 青年團  /  中国 共产 主义 青年团 , Pinyin Zhōngguó Gòngchǎnzhǔyì Qīngniántuán , short Chinese  共青團  /  共青团 , Pinyin Gòngqīngtuán ) is a mass organization of the youth of China (CCP) , which is supported by the Communist Party of China. to be led.

History of the Communist Youth Association of China


The first socialist youth association was founded in Shanghai in 1920 .

In May 1922 the Chinese Socialist Youth Association was founded on the initiative of the CCP . National Conference of Delegates was renamed the Communist Youth Association of China (KJVC).

During the anti-Japanese war (1937-1945) the KJVC tried to organize the resistance of the anti-Japanese youth.


In January 1949, the was decided by the Central Committee (CC) of the CPC of the New Democratic Youth League of China was established and after the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) has been completed, the same on October 1st year for the transition to socialism committed.

The 1st National Congress of the New Democratic Youth Association of China took place in April 1949.

On the III. National Congress in May 1957, it was renamed the Communist Youth Association of China (KJVC).


In 1978, nine years after the official end of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1969) , the Xth Congress of the KJVC was held after the youth association was forced to interrupt its activities for a long time during the Cultural Revolution.

In 1984–1991, the KJVC carried out reforestation projects in which over 200 million young people participated each year. In total, an area of ​​over one and a half million hectares was planted.

The association mobilized millions of volunteers to help the victims of the Sichuan earthquake (May 12, 2008) and for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing .

From June 10th to 13th, 2008 the XVI. Congress of the KJVC took place, at which 1500 delegates represented over 75 million members. On the XVI. Congress also were Hu Jintao ( General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and president of the PRC) and Li Changchun (Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee ) present. On the agenda were the discussion about the future work of the KJVC, the amendment of the statute, the receipt of the report of the old Central Committee and the election of a new Central Committee of the KJVC.

Timeline for the history of the Communist Youth Association of China

  • 1920: Foundation of the first socialist youth association in Shanghai;
  • May 1922: The Chinese Socialist Youth Association was founded on the initiative of the CCP;
  • January 1925: III. National Conference of Delegates. Renamed the Communist Youth Association of China (KJVC);
  • 1937–1945: Anti-Japanese War . Efforts of the KJVC to organize anti-Japanese youth resistance;
  • January 1949: Establishment of the New Democratic Youth Association of China by decision of the CCP Central Committee;
  • April 1949: 1st National Congress of the New Democratic Youth Association of China;
  • May 1957: III. National Congress of the New Democratic Youth Association of China; Renamed the Communist Youth Association of China (KJVC);
  • 1966–1969: Cultural Revolution. Long-term interruption of the activities of the KJVC;
  • 1978: Xth Congress of the KJVC;
  • 1984–1991: Reforestation projects. Over 200 million participants every year; Planting an area totaling 1.5 million hectares;
  • May 12, 2008: An earthquake that kills 69,227 people devastates Sichuan province . The KJVC provides active help and mobilizes millions of young people;
  • 10-13 June 2008: XVI. Congress of the KJVC. 1500 delegates represent over 75 million members. Leading representatives of the CCP (Hu Jintao, Li Changchun) are present. Discussion about future association work, amendment of the statute, receipt of the report of the old central committee and election of a new central committee of the KJVC.


In 2008, the KJVC had 75 million members aged 14 to 28 years. Almost every fourth young person is organized in the KJVC.

“Overall, the association is divided into six organizational levels. In addition to the central committee, board members are elected at provincial, city and district level. Among them there are grassroots organizations, main cells and cells. "

In addition to the Central Committee , the committees for general affairs are of particular importance; they regulate the daily work of the KJVC.

The association is the main body of the All-China Youth Association, which is made up of several youth associations .


The organization's official newspaper is China's youth newspaper with a circulation of 400,000. The supplement “Freezing Point” fell victim to state censorship and was temporarily banned in 2006.

The association's own publishing house is the Chinese Youth Publishing House, founded in 1950 .

"Cadre forge" for the CCP

The youth organization is a "cadre forge" for the CCP. Every year around one million members of the KJVC join the party.

Numerous leading members of the KJVC, e.g. B. Hu Yaobang later became senior CCP officials.


In November 2010, a new county-level city was established in the administrative area of Jiujiang Prefecture . It was given the name Gongqingcheng , literally "City of Communist Youth", which refers to its history as a reclamation project of the KJVC.

Individual evidence

  1. see Olaf Matthes, "School of Socialism"
  2. Olaf Matthes, “Shock workers of reform and opening. Chinese Communist Youth Association Mobilizes Youth for Economic Development, ” p. 2, section “ 75 Million ”
  3. Xinhua , "1.1 million. Members of the youth organization occurred in 2006 in the CCP one" (English)


  • “Words of Chairman Mao Tsetung.” Neuer Weg publishing house, 1st edition 1993, ISBN 3-88021-237-6 . XXX. Chapter, "The Youth" (pp. 341–347)
  • Mao Tsetung
    • "Orientation of the youth movement." Publishing house for foreign language literature, Beijing 1967
    • “In its work, the youth association must take the peculiarities of young people into account.” (In: “Selected works, Volume V.” Verlag für foreign language literature, Beijing 1978)
  • A. Jelnikow and V. Turossow, “The Maoists and the Youth.” APN Verlag, Moscow 1975

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