Mass organization

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A mass organization is an organization in non-democratic states that has a large number of members. Mass organizations serve the political influence or indoctrination of the masses, especially those people who do not belong to any party.

In a broader sense, mass organizations are also organizations whose members come from broad circles of the population who, with the help of the organization, represent their professional, economic, political, social and cultural interests.

Mass organizations in the time of National Socialism

As part of the DC circuit in the era of National Socialism all have been trade unions , political parties and independent federations banned or transferred into mass organizations, each in organization and direction of the ideology of the program of the NSDAP met. In addition to the party itself, this included:

Mass organizations in the GDR

The mass organizations in the GDR were founded under the supremacy of the SED or were subsequently subordinated to it. They should influence and control as large parts of the population as possible and integrate them into the social system of the GDR such as:

FDGB, FDJ, DFD and KB, at times also the VdgB, 1950 to 1963 and 1986 to 1990, like the SED and the bloc parties, were represented in the National Front and in parliaments.

As part of the verification of loyalty to the constitution in Bavaria, applicants for the public service must (among other things) state whether they were functionaries in the mass organizations of the GDR.

Other socialist states

After and during the Second World War , paramilitary mass organizations based on the model of the Soviet OSSOAWIACHIM and later the DOSAAF emerged in practically every state with Soviet influence . These were among others:

  • in the Czechoslovakia the Association in Support of the Army SVAZARM (Svaz pro spolupráci s armádou, founded November 4, 1951)
  • In Bulgaria, the Society for Military-Technical Training of the Population OWTPN (Организация за военно-техническа подготовка на населението, Organizazija sa woenno na-technitscheska, established by the National Volunteer Organization from November 1968 to November 4th, nas-technitscheska1, founded in November 1977 (Доброволната организация за съдействие на отбраната, Dobrowolnata organisazija sa sdeistwije na otbranata)
  • in Hungary the Hungarian Defense Association MHSZ (Magyar Honvédelmi Szövetség, founded February 29, 1948)
  • in Cuba the Society for Military Patriotic Education SEPMI (Sociedad de Educación Patriótico-Militar, founded January 28, 1980)
  • in Mongolia the Society for the Support of Defense OSO (founded 1929)
  • in Poland the League for National Defense LOK (Liga Obrony Kraju, founded 1944)
  • in Romania the National Council for Physical Education and Sport CNEFS (Consiliul Național pentru Educație Fizică și Sport, est.?)
  • in the People's Republic of China, see List of Chinese Mass Organizations

Mass organizations in the broader sense

In a broader sense, other organizations with a large number of members are also referred to as mass organizations. Typical mass organizations are trade unions and sports associations.

Mass organizations before 1933

Mass organizations in the Federal Republic of Germany


  • Gregory J. Kasza: The Conscription Society. Administered Mass Organizations. Yale University Press, New Haven CT et al. 1995, ISBN 0-300-06242-7 .

Web links

Wiktionary: mass organization  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mass organization ,
  2. Winfried Speitkamp : Youth in the modern age. Germany from the 16th to the 20th century. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1998, ISBN 3-525-01374-4 , p. 218, ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  3. Dagmar Reese: Entanglement and Responsibility. Young women in the leadership of the Association of German Girls. In: Kirsten Heinsohn, Barbara Vogel , Ulrike Weckel (eds.): Between career and persecution. Spaces of action for women in National Socialist Germany (= “History and Gender” series. 20). Campus, Frankfurt am Main et al. 1997, ISBN 3-593-35756-9 , pp. 206–222, here p. 209, ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  4. ^ Paul Bruppacher: Adolf Hitler and The History of the NSDAP. A chronicle. Volume 1: 1889-1937. 2nd Edition. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2009, ISBN 978-3-8334-8660-9 , p. 412, ( limited preview in Google book search).
  5. Bernd Rüthers : Enhanced stories - spared biographies. Socialization cohorts in Wendel literature. An essay. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2001, ISBN 3-16-147651-4 , p. 45 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  6. For everyone ...? - Mass organizations in the GDR ,, accessed on December 30, 2018
  7. ^ SED mass organizations , House of History , accessed December 30, 2018
  8. Questionnaire  ( page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /
  9. ^ Walter Welsch: History of the Bayerland section of the German Alpine Club eV The time of the First World War and the Weimar Republic. 1914-1933. DAV Bayerland, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-00-031936-5 ( digitized version (PDF; 8 MB) ).
  10. ^ Website of the German Historical Museum , accessed on October 4, 2012.
  11. ^ Brandenburgische Frauenhilfe - Weimar Republic. In: Retrieved December 25, 2014 .
  12. ^ Homepage of Deutsche Sporthilfe ( memento from February 29, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on October 4, 2012