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Postage stamp with the logo of OSSOAWIACHIM

OSSOAWIACHIM ( Russian ОСОАВИАХИМ , short for Russian Общество содействия обороне, авиационному и химическому строительству - O bschtschestwo s odeistwija o boronje, awia zionnomu i chim itscheskomu stroitelstwu , German  Society for the Promotion of the defense, aviation and chemistry ) was a pre-military mass organization in the Soviet Union . In it, especially in the 1930s and 1940s, the next generation of personnel for the Soviet air force was trained .


It was founded on January 23, 1927 from the merger of the "Military Science Society", the "Society of Friends of the Air Fleet" and the "Society of Friends of the Chemical Defense and Chemical Industry". The latter two had formed the AWIACHIM association two years earlier ; before that, the “Society of Friends of the Air Fleet” (ODWF) had existed since March 8, 1923.

Well-known personalities such as Semyon Budyonny and Kliment Voroshilov were on the board of the OSSOAVIACHIM .

In 1931 it was decreed that the OSSOAWIACHIM, in cooperation with the Komsomol, should promote the training of 150,000 new pilots.

In the same year, as part of the OSSOAWIACHIM, the groups MosGIRD and LenGird were merged to form the GIRD ( group for the study of recoil-driven movement ), which set itself the goal of exploring the stratosphere with the help of rockets. In 1933 the GIRD launched the GIRD-09 and GIRD-X liquid rockets . A central airship base was also created.

The OSSOAWIACHIM also employed its own Moscow aircraft design group headed by Vladimir Gribovsky . In the 1930s, it developed 17 types of gliders and 14 types of powered aircraft, including the G-11 cargo glider and the G-20 sports aircraft .

When the war against the Soviet Union began , around 400,000 urgently needed pilots, aircraft mechanics, navigators and parachutists were recruited from the OSSOAWIACHIM. In the further course of the war, the company took over the removal of combat damage in the hinterland, removed destroyed war technology and cleared minefields.

In 1948 OSSOAWIACHIM was dissolved, and in 1951 the DOSAAF took its place , an organization comparable to the GST in the GDR .

See also

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Commons : OSSOAWIACHIM  - collection of images, videos and audio files