Comparative sentence in the Spanish language

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Under a comparison set or Komparativsatz , oración comparativa is understood in the grammar , a special form of a adverbial subordinate clause ( protasis ), oración subordinada adverbial expressing a comparison to a situation which in the main set is named. Thus the comparative subordinate clause (protasis) compares the main clause event ( apodosis ) with the event, fact or action of the subordinate clause, either according to the manner or according to the degree, intensities, quantities etc.


Both sentences are thus in a correlating image relationship to one another in which the identity of people and things, their number and properties as well as actions or statements can be compared with one another. As a result, the equality or inequality, a general similarity or dissimilarity, or a specific difference can be determined. Formally, the comparative clause indicates a perceived circumstance based on comparability ( similarity , dissimilarity). In German, for example, the conjunctions and adverbs are used:

 wie, als, als ob, je ... desto, so beschaffen ... wie, nicht so sehr ... als vielmehr, so ... wie, ebenso viele ... wie, derselbe ... wie, lieber ... als, besser ... als, je ... desto

The most important comparative connectors are the conjunctions, conjunciones comparativas , are in Spanish:

spanish words German translations
más ... que more than
mejor ... que better than
peor ... que worse than
tanto ... cuanto as a result of that; assumed that
igual que as well as; as well as
lo mismo que the same as
valley como just like; such as
como si as if; As if
más vale ... que rather than
menos ... que less than
conforme as it were
inferior a less than; less than
equivalents a equivalent to
tanto como as much as
de lo que than what
cuanto más ... (tanto) más ... the more the more ...; the more ... the more
cuanto más ..., menos ... the more the less ...
cuanto menos ... (tanto) más the less ... the more ...; the less ... the more
mientras más ..., más ... the more the more ...
 No es lo mismo que sentirse infeliz o melancólico. Nicht es ist das gleiche zu fühlen sich unglücklich oder melancholisch.
 El precio del petróleo es igual que al día de ayer. Der Preis des Petroleums ist ebenso wie am Tag von gestern.
 Don Félix es más inteligente de lo que aparenta. Don Felix ist mehr intelligent als das was es erscheint.
 La calidad del refresco es inferior a la del agua de grifo reposada. Die Güte der Erfrischungen ist geringer als die von Leitungswasser abgestandenen.
 Mi medida de las caderas es equivalente a la de Juanita. Mein Hüftweite ist genauso wie die von Juanita.
 ¿Que es mas fuerte Spider o Coupé? El motor del Tauro V8 Spider es menos potente que el del Tauro V8 Coupé. Was ist mehr stärker der Spider oder der Coupé? Der Motor des Tauro V8 Spider ist weniger stark als der des Tauro V8 Coupé.
Clause 1 Clause 2
Protasis Apodosis
subordinate clause main clause
Oración subordinada Oración principal
"So part" "How part"
Antecedents, antecedents Consistent, consiguiente
"Antecedent" "Subsequent or subsequent sentence"
Properties of an object, the nature of a fact Facts, actions
Independently Dependent
coordination Subordination

In order not to have to repeat the comparative part in the subordinate clause (protasis), it is often left out. However, if you take a closer look at the sentence, for example for syntactic analysis, it must be included. - Examples:

 Juan es más tonto que su hermano (es tonto). Juan ist dümmer als sein Bruder (der dumm ist).
 Tengo tantos instrumentos como tú (tienes) estatuas. Ich habe genausoviel Musikinstrumente wie du (hast) Statuen. 


  • Hans-Georg Beckmann: New Spanish grammar. dnf-Verlag, Göttingen 1994, ISBN 3-9803483-3-4 .
  • Wolfgang Halm: Modern Spanish short grammar. Max Hueber, Munich 1987, ISBN 3-19-004020-6 , p. 262.
  • Helmut Berschin , Julio Fernández-Sevilla, Josef Felixberger: The Spanish language. Distribution, history, structure. 3. Edition. Georg Olms, Hildesheim / Zurich / New York 2005, ISBN 3-487-12814-4 .
  • Alfonso Zamorano Aguilar: Las "proposiciones adverbiales" en las gramáticas del español (1953-1994). Caracterización historiográfica y revisión crítica. VERBA, ISSN  0210-377X , 2004, vol. 31: 305-324. ( PDF )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Satzwertige infinitive, and participial Gerundial-. Sentence equivalents and abbreviations of subordinate clauses. Justo Fernández López, ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Elena Santillán: Spanish Morphosyntax. A study book for teaching, learning and practicing. Narr, Tübingen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8233-6980-6 , p. 105