Confetti thrower

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Volker Beck (left, Member of the Bundestag , Die Grüne ) and the Lord Mayor of Cologne Jürgen Roters (right) open the CSD street parade ( Cologne Pride ) with confetti throwers.

A confetti thrower (or confetti cannon ) is a device for throwing confetti .


The confetti thrower usually consists of a cylindrical tube that contains a space filled with confetti and a tensioned spring . By turning the tube, the spring is released, which catapults the confetti out of the tube. The ejection height is up to a few meters, depending on the strength of the spring. There are also confetti throwers that use compressed gas or pyrotechnic charges. The latter are usually only intended for outdoor use. The confetti used in confetti throwers usually consists of metalized plastic strips because they do not stick together due to moisture. Confetti throwers exist in both disposable and refillable versions.

Web links

Commons : Confetti Thrower  - Collection of images, videos and audio files