Konrad Friedrich von Thüngen

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Konrad Friedrich von Thüngen (* around 1580; † April 3, 1629 ) was provost in the diocese of Würzburg .

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As the son of the married couple Kaspar von Thüngen and Magdalena von Thüngen, Konrad Friedrich came from the ancient Franconian noble family von Thüngen . After the death of Pankraz von Rabenstein, he received a cathedral praise and became canon on December 22, 1592. Appointed a member of the cathedral chapter in 1604 , he was promoted to cathedral dean in 1611, after having also become a Franconian district judge two years earlier. From 1614 to 1616 he was rector of the University of Würzburg . His election as cathedral provost fell on May 28, 1618. He was provost in both the Haug monastery and the Wechterswinkel monastery and had an altar built in the Würzburg cathedral in honor of Saints Peter and Paul, which was decorated with his ancestral coat of arms.

His tomb is located in the Würzburg Cathedral and shows a sandstone frame with Renaissance and Baroque elements.


  • Germania Sacra: The Diocese of Würzburg. Volume 7: Manfred Romberg (editor): The Würzburg bishops. Verlag de Gruyter, 2011, ISBN 978-3-11-025183-8 .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Konrad Friedrich von Thüngen, Rector of the University of Würzburg
  2. Stefan Kummer : Architecture and fine arts from the beginnings of the Renaissance to the end of the Baroque. In: Ulrich Wagner (Hrsg.): History of the city of Würzburg. 4 volumes; Volume 2: From the Peasants' War in 1525 to the transition to the Kingdom of Bavaria in 1814. Theiss, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-8062-1477-8 , pp. 576–678 and 942–952, here: pp. 610 f.