Konrad Habermeier

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Konrad Habermeier (born August 10, 1907 in Eybach ; † August 1, 1992 there ) was a German glass designer.

Habermeier completed an apprenticeship in engraving and grinding at WMF and then attended the arts and crafts school in Stuttgart . He was a student of Wilhelm von Eiff . From 1932 to 1945 he taught himself at the Stuttgart School of Applied Arts; He was also a freelancer at Gralglas for over forty years, starting in 1931, and designed numerous objects during this time. From 1954 to 1970 he headed the department for glass cutting and engraving at the Schwäbisch Gmünd University of Applied Sciences and was a freelancer at the Josephinenhütte in Schwäbisch Gmünd. The grail glass window he created in the Gammelshausen-Dürnau elementary school was removed during the school renovation in the year he died.



  • Carlo Burschel and Heinz Scheiffele, Ikora and Myra glasses from WMF , 2003, p. 26
  • Alfons Hannes (with contributions by Wolfgang Kermer and Erwin Eisch ), The Wolfgang Kermer Collection, Frauenau Glass Museum : Glass of the 20th Century; 1950s to 1970s , Schnell & Steiner, Munich, Zurich 1989 (= Bavarian Museums, Volume 9) ISBN 3-7954-0753-2 , pp. 29–30 with illus.
  • Maria Schüly, Konrad Habermeier. Artistic glass finishing and design . Exhibition in the Augustinermuseum Freiburg i. Br., December 14, 1987-31. January 1988. Freiburg, 1987
  • Maria Schüly, Glass Research at the Freiburg Augustinian Museum: Konrad Habermeier , in: Weltkunst 10, 1988

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