Konrad II (Merania)

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Konrad II of Meranien (also Konrad III of Dachau ; † October 8, 1182 ) was Duke of Meranien and Count of Dachau. He was a son of Konrad II of Dachau , who as Konrad I was also Duke of Meranien . His mother cannot be clearly identified because his father was married twice. With him ended the line Dachau-Meranien, a branch line of the Wittelsbach family .


In 1159 Konrad inherited the Duchy of Merania from his father. It is noticeable that, unlike his father, he was only called Duke of Merania, Croatia and Dalmatia were obviously lost to him.

His guardian was initially his uncle Arnold III. from Dachau . Konrad was a loyal pillar of the Staufer , but otherwise rarely appeared. He mostly spent his days in Dachau, calling himself only Duke of Dachau. He died childless in 1182. That is why the county of Dachau went to Duke Otto I von Wittelsbach , the Duchy of Merania fell to the family of Andechs soon after the fall of Henry the Lion in 1180 and at the latest with Konrad's death .

This was the end of the Wittelsbach line Scheyern-Dachau, the branch line Dachau-Valley continued.


Konrad married Udilhilde von Tübingen, daughter of Count Palatine Hugo von Tübingen .

There were no children from the marriage.

Individual evidence

  1. The Dukes of Merania
  2. ^ Conrad III, Duke of Meranien, Count of Dachau