Altenburg Consistory

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The Altenburg Consistory was established for the Duchy of Saxony-Altenburg in 1612 after the consistory responsible for the Duchy of Saxony-Weimar since 1554 (first in Weimar , from 1569 in Jena ) .

His tasks in the context of the exercise of the sovereign church regiment after the Reformation over the Evangelical Lutheran Church consisted in the management of the church and school system and in the exercise of matrimonial jurisdiction. In detail, these included:

  • the supervision of the public worship service ,
  • the supervision of the administration of church property, hospitals and poor houses ,
  • the supervision of the clergy, including their way of life and moral conduct,
  • the examination and appointment of church and school servants,
  • the exercise of censorship in religious matters,
  • jurisdiction over all spiritual persons, their relatives and servants, churches, cemeteries and other church institutions,
  • the jurisdiction in marriage litigation ( marriage vows , divorces ).

Even while it belonged to the Duchy of Saxony-Gotha-Altenburg from 1672 to 1826, it remained, like the other state authorities of the Altenburg part of the country. In 1831 it ceded jurisdiction to the State Judicial College. 1869 was dissolved and its duties took over the Department of Religious Affairs in the Ministry to Altenburg .

The head of the consistory was always a lawyer. The Altenburg general superintendents were members of the consistory as councilors, as well as other lawyers and theologians.


  • Julius Löbe , Ernst Conon Löbe : History of the churches and schools of the Duchy of Saxony-Altenburg with special consideration of the local history. Vol. 1. Bonde, Altenburg 1886 ( digitized version ), p. 9 f.
  • Thomas Walther (edit.), Society for Thuringian Church History (Hrsg.): Thüringer Pfarrerbuch. Volume 6. The Duchy of Saxony-Altenburg. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig 2013, ISBN 978-3-374-03051-4 , pp. 9-13.

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