Julius Löbe

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August Julius Löbe (born January 8, 1805 in Altenburg ; † March 27, 1900 there ) was a Saxon linguist and theologian.


Löbe grew up in the Altenburg house of his maternal grandparents and attended the Friedrichgymnasium (Altenburg) from 1817-1825 . He later studied Protestant theology , philosophy and German at the University of Jena . In 1825 he became active in the Corps Thuringia Jena . In 1831 he was awarded D. theol in Jena . PhD. The Dr. phil. followed later. Since then, Löbe has maintained a close friendship with the linguist Hans Conon von der Gabelentz , with whom he began collaborative work on the translation of the Bible from Ulfilas in 1831 . He was able to identify some hitherto neglected readings of this first translation of the Bible into the Gothic language . The result of this work was a three-volume work on the Ulfilas, which is still in use today by Gothicists: Part I (Altenburg: Staufer) 1836, Part II (Leipzig: Brockhaus) 1842–1846, reprint of both parts (Hildesheim: Gerstenberg) 1980. At the same time, Löbe came into contact with the printer, publisher and bookseller Heinrich August Pierer , the founder of Pierer's Universal Lexicon , on which Löbe worked from then on. At the age of 81, Löbe and his son Ernst Conon Löbe (namesake here was the above-mentioned Hans Conon von der Gabelentz, whom Löbe survived by a quarter of a century) began a detailed “history of the churches and schools of the Duchy of Saxony-Altenburg with special consideration of the Local history ”, which appeared in three volumes from 1886–1891. Löbe also wrote many reviews and was a scientist until he was 96.

His son was the Protestant theologian and historian Ernst Conon Löbe (1835-1920), superintendent in Roda.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 77/67