Constantine Anastasiades Philites

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Konstantin Anastasiades Philites , also Filiti (* 18th century in Epirus , Greece , † 1834 in Bucharest ) was a Transylvanian doctor.


Konstantin Anastasiades Philites worked as a doctor in Bucharest and in Kronstadt in Transylvania. His father came from Epirus in Greece. Konstantin Anastasiades Philites studied medicine in Leipzig and Halle. Since the University of Halle was closed under French occupation from October 1806 to May 1808, Philites took his exams in Leipzig and received his doctorate there. The dissertation was entitled " De decremento altera hominum aetatis periodo seu de marasmo senili in specie " and was published in 1808 in Halle. The work appeared in 1809 in the " Archive for Physiology " published by Johann Christian Reil and Johann Heinrich Ferdinand Autenrieth . According to one of his descendants, Philites was not only a member of the " Leopoldina ", but also belonged to the Mineralogical Society in Jena.


  • " De decremento altera hominum aetatis periodo seu de marasmo senili in specie " (dissertation 1808)


  • Annals of Literature and Art in the Oesterreichischen Kaiserthume , year 1812, Zweyter Volume, Vienna 1812, p. 60.
  • Carl Iken: Leukothea. A collection of letters from a native Greek on the political system, literature and poetry of modern Greece, second volume, Leipzig 1825, p. 179.
  • Arnold Huttmann : Medicine in old Transylvania , Hermannstadt / Sibiu 2000, p. 305 + 306.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ioan C. Filiti: O paginǎ din istoria medicinei în Muntenia (1784–1828) (A sheet from the medical history of Muntenia) . In: Revista Ştiințelor Medicale (Journal of Medical Sciences) 1929, p. 273.