Konstantin Michailowitsch Sokolow

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Konstantin Mikhailovich Sokolov ( Russian Константин Михайлович Соколов * 17 . Jul / the thirtieth December  1903 greg. In St. Petersburg ; † 19th January 1983 in Moscow ) was a Soviet politician of the CPSU , which among other things 1949 Minister for Urban Development, between 1950 and in 1955 Chairman of the State Committee for Construction Equipment at the Council of Ministers of the USSR and from 1955 to 1958 Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic .


After attending school, between 1921 and 1922, Sokolov initially studied at the Institute of Technology in Petrograd and then from 1922 to 1926 at the Institute of Railway Engineering in Petrograd, which was renamed Leningrad in 1924. During his studies he joined the CPSU as a member in 1925 and worked between 1926 and 1929 as a technical draftsman, foreman, technician and, most recently, as deputy construction manager at the Leningrad waterworks. After he was employed as a dyke construction engineer for the Baltic Fleet in Kronstadt from 1929 to 1930 , he subsequently worked from 1930 to 1938 as a doctoral student, researcher, lead researcher and finally as head of a research group at the Institute for Mechanization of Civil Engineering in Leningrad .

In 1938 Sokolow became a member of the building commission at the Council of People's Commissars and was then Deputy People's Commissar for Building in the USSR between 1939 and 1946 .

On February 17, 1946, Sokolov took over the post of People's Commissar for Construction, which became Minister of Construction and Roads of the USSR after Josef Stalin initiated the renaming of the Council of People's Commissars to the Council of Ministers of the USSR on March 16, 1946 . He held this position until the dissolution of this ministry on January 6, 1949 and instead took over the newly created office of Minister for Urban Development. He remained in this position until he was replaced by Georgi Popov on December 31, 1949, while he himself was only First Deputy Minister for Urban Development and thus representative of his successor.

Subsequently, on September 5, 1950, Sokolow became chairman of the State Committee for Construction Equipment at the Council of Ministers of the USSR and held this post until September 30, 1955. On the XIX. At the CPSU party congress, which took place from October 5 to 14, 1952, he became a candidate for the Central Committee and held this position until the XX. Party congress of the CPSU from February 14 to 25, 1956. On the occasion of his 50th birthday and his services to the construction industry, he was awarded the Order of Lenin on December 29, 1953 .

From June 10, 1955 to February 25, 1958 he was Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic (RFSSR). After that he lost influence and from March 1958 to January 1963 was only Deputy Minister of Construction of the RFSSR. After he was Deputy Minister for Construction and Special Structures of the RFSSR between January and March 1963, he last served from March 1963 until his retirement in September 1974 as Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Manufacturing and Special Construction Works of the USSR.

Sokolov was also awarded the Order of the October Revolution , the Order of the Red Labor Banner , the Badge of Honor of the Soviet Union and the Order of the Red Star .

Web links

  • Entry in knowbysight.info