Control Council Act No. 55

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The Control Council Law no. 55 is the Allied Control enacted on June 20, 1947 law aimed at repealing the provisions in the field of criminal law.


Article 1 of the law repeals statutory provisions that were enacted during the Nazi era . Article 2 stipulates that the Control Council Act will not reinstate legal provisions that have been repealed by the repealed laws.

Affected Regulations

  1. Section IV of the ordinance of the Reich President for the protection of the German people of February 4, 1933 ( RGBl . IS 35)
  2. Ordinance of the Reich Minister of the Interior on the prohibition of communist demonstrations in the Free State of Saxony of February 21, 1933 (RGBl. IS 78)
  3. Section 5 of the ordinance of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State of February 28, 1933 ( Reichstag Fire Ordinance , RGBl. IS 83)
  4. Ordinance of the Reich President against treason against the German people and treasonable activities of February 28, 1933 (RGBl. IS 85)
  5. Ordinance of the Reich President to ward off insidious attacks against the government of the national insurrection of March 21, 1933 (RGBl. IS 135)
  6. Ordinance of the Reich President on granting impunity of March 21, 1933 (RGBl. IS 134)
  7. Law on Defense against Political Violence of April 4, 1933 (RGBl. IS 162)
  8. Section 1 of the Law on Granting Impunity of April 23, 1936 (RGBl. IS 378)
  9. Law against economic sabotage of December 1, 1936 (RGBl. I. S 999)
  10. Law for the Protection of Designations of the National Socialist German Workers' Party of April 7, 1937 (RGBl. IS 442)
  11. Law against street robbery using car traps of June 22, 1938 ( Lex Götze , RGBl. IS 651)
  12. Sections 3 and 8 of the law amending the Reich Criminal Code of September 4, 1941 (RGBl. IS 549)
  13. Police Ordinance on Photographing and Other Representation of Important Traffic Facilities of March 29, 1942 (RGBl. IS 156)
  14. Ordinance on the expansion and tightening of the criminal law protection against official presumption of April 9, 1942 (RGBl. IS 174)
  15. Ordinance of the Führer on the protection of the collection of clothing and equipment for the Wehrmacht and the German Volkssturm of January 10, 1945 (RGBl. IS 5)
  16. Ordinance on the criminal law of the German Volkssturm (Volkssturm Criminal Law Ordinance - VoStVO) of February 24, 1945 (RGBl. IS 34)


Control Council Act No. 55 of June 20, 1947 was drawn up on the same day in Berlin and came into force on June 25, 1947.

For the German Democratic Republic , it was suspended in 1955 by the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the dissolution of the High Commission of the Soviet Union in Germany on September 20, 1955. For the Federal Republic of Germany , it was replaced by the law on the adjustment of occupation law of September 23 , 1955 . November 2007 repealed.

Individual evidence

  1. BGBl. I p. 2614

Web links

Text of the law